I am just about ready to go green again :o) Aren't you?
I found this fun and easy activity that you can do with your little one to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and I am loving it! It is potentially very messy, but well, to kids messy = fun! (Maybe just stay far away from your precious linens...)

* 1 sheet light blue construction paper
* acrylic craft paint: red, orange, purple, blue, yellow, green and white
How to make it:
1. Place construction paper on work surface in front of child.
2. Have child curve their hand and paint (start with red) the side of the hand along the pinky and down to the heel.
3. Gently press side of painted hand onto the construction paper to form half of the first rainbow ray.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 with red paint on the other hand to form the other half of the rainbow ray.
5. Repeat these steps with all the colors of the rainbow, washing hands in between each color. Starting from the top of the rainbow and working downward, the order is: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.
6. When rainbow is complete, have child make a fist, then paint the side of the fist generously with white paint. Press onto bottom of the rainbow to form the clouds. Repeat across paper under the rainbow until entire rainbow is lined with clouds.
7. Allow to dry completely.
8. This step is optional, but if you are sending this as a gift, use a marker to write a message across the top!
This St. Patrick's Day Handprint Rainbow is from INOMommy's blog. You can click here to see the step-by-step photos!
Now you no longer have to chase after the rainbow for your pot of gold. Just make your own rainbow!
I'm sharing this lovely craft to Things I Love Thursday, hosted by Diaper Diaries! If you'd like to share what you're loving today, join in and click here!
How are you going to celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Do you like the color green? (Me, not really...) What's your favorite among the colors of the rainbow?
this is fantastic and I might do this with my 5 and 2 year old...