Thursday, February 11, 2010

Haiti: 30 Days Later

It has been over a month since the tragic devastation in Haiti. But even as news coverage have started to dwindle, there is still so much work to be done, still so many who need help. About 40% of Haiti's population is below the age of 14. So I can only imagine how truly helpless they must be feeling and how much they must be suffering. Which is why I admire our friends at UNICEF, who have been working round the clock ever since the earthquake struck until now, 30 days later.

An article on UNICEF's website says: "The sobering truth is that in the wake of a calamity as devastating as last month’s earthquake, it is usually weeks or months after the initial crisis—and after most of the news crews have left—that some of the hardest work begins."

Truly, how inspiring it is that organizations like UNICEF are dedicatedly hard at work. I feel blessed to have recently received an email from Alisa Aydin of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, thanking No Slippy Hair Clippy for the support and updating me on the work that is being done in Haiti.

I am happy to note that they have launched their immunization campaign last week, in partnership with the Haitian government and the World Health Organization. They aim to vaccinate 500,000 children from measles, diphtheria, rubella and whooping cough. They have also been distributing clean water to 800,000 people on a daily basis, developing therapeutic feeding programs, and working to find and protect unaccompanied children.

But they are not stopping at Haiti. Through UNICEF's Humanitarian Action Report, I found out that they are currently addressing the needs of children in 27 countries in crisis in addition to Haiti.

I salute UNICEF’s unwavering commitment to help those who have suffered from disaster. But for them to be able to continue their work in Haiti for months and even years to come, they will need continued support. As they said on their website, "We all must keep Haiti in our thoughts, even if it’s not on our TV screens."

As a human being, I feel so thankful for the opportunity to help my fellow man/woman. If you would like to extend aid as well, please do consider supporting UNICEF's continuing efforts. You may visit

Photo courtesy of UNICEF United States Fund.

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