Parentdish.com suggests these fun activities to keep your little ones entertained. So you can turn what could be a 24-hour cartoon-athon (and some whining here and there) to a day of family fun.
Here are 15 ways to make the most of a snowy day:
1. If the snow hasn't started falling yet, make a quick trip to the dollar or toy store and stock up on a few surprises. The newness of a few inexpensive toys can hold boredom at bay.
2. Rotate board games so they don't become "bored" games and bring out hidden toys to make old ones seem brand new. Every few months (or at the end of each season), store some of the family games and toys away for a surprising unveiling later.
3. Look around your house for unused or underused craft items. Pull those out alongside the glue, paint, scissors and paper. Nothing says "entertainment" more than magazines to rip up, cardboard toilet paper rolls, discarded buttons and cloth trimmings. Sit down with your kids and see how creative you can be.
4. Organize and assign an art project with a theme. Search online for ideas.
5. Enjoy the snow. Dress warmly and explore the neighborhood. Involve the kids in finding different things on your block. See if you can find animal tracks or explore the science behind snow and ice.
6. Stick closer to home. Use food coloring to paint the snow, go sledding, make snow angels or build snow critters.
7. Create a snow-day memory. Take photos of the day's activities and print them from your home computer. At the end of the day, give each child a piece of paper and some of the photos to create a collage of the day's events. Taking photos of activities gives you goals throughout the day, and the collage gives them a keepsake.
Check out the rest of the activities here! And share with us how your own snowy day turns out!
We colored the snow today, and I blogged about it! My son LOVED it.