Monday, December 28, 2009

Simply Sensational Reviews

The gifts just keep on coming :) We got not just one, but TWO great reviews! This time, it's from the lovely ladies at, who recently tried out our headbands on their little ones. Here's an excerpt of what they had to say:

"I loved these headbands. They stayed put on my busy toddlers' heads. The first time they wore them, we went to church. Afterwards, the headbands were still in place. When my girls were babies, I never used headbands. I didn't like the elastic tight feeling that most baby styles have. These were soft, not tight fitting and I would have loved to had these for my girls hair. If you're looking for that special occasional headband or a few for everyday use, then check out the site. The prices are a little more than what I generally would pay for a headband, but you are paying for quality. These will last you and you will not be disappointed. There are many of their products that I can put on my wish list." --Kim

You can read the rest of her review here.

"These headbands live up to their No Slippy name and claim, for the most part. CJ's hair is a bit finer than K's and the headband does have to be repositioned more often but the clippies stay put no matter who's head they are on. R has a hard time pulling the clips out; they are so soft that she doesn't even seem to notice them in her hair. I plan to purchase more of this product in the future and CJ has already circled her requests in the flyer we received in our package." --LM Harris

Check out the rest of her review here. These moms have a pretty cool site!

Thanks so much, ladies! :) We are thrilled that you and your girls loved our headbands!

1 comment:

  1. We got a couple of the headbands for my daughter and they are great! They do not slip around her head like others and you can't find anything as cute!! The flowers and the beeding are beautiful on them!
