The Academy Awards Ceremony, also known as the Oscars, is one of the most glamorous events in the world.
Stunning actresses like Natalie Portman and Nicole Kidman will grace the event this year, and we’ll all spend hours watching them walk down the red carpet in dazzling designer dresses with picture-perfect hair.
Though we might only dream of wearing hundred-thousand-dollar gowns, we can still get a little bit of that same special Oscar glamour wearing the right hair accessories.
Best Actress nominee Michelle Williams (top image), for example, sports short platinum blond hair that would look fantastic in a headband or with clippettes ribbon prints. While the Blue Valentine star might choose a bejeweled ornament to go with her dress, your pixie cut toddler can look just as adorable in a glittering Kaitlin pinch clip or an elegant Alyssa bow (bottom image).
Best Supporting Actress nominee and True Grit breakout star Hailee Steinfeld (top image) is one of the youngest actresses ever in the running for an Oscar at only 14 years old, but she already exudes lady-like sophistication. She has long straight hair that she likes to tie in a neat ponytail, a style that your daughter can definitely pull off with a cute striped clipette or a slightly more whimsical Kaia clip (bottom image).
Who could forget Rubina Ali (above left), star of the Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire? In 2009, she charmed millions around the world with her precious smile. Rubina attended the ceremonies wearing a headband that matched her periwinkle dress and ballet flats. The Mimi headband and Cory headband are great choices if you want to emulate this classic princess look.
No Slippy Hair Clippy offers hundreds of hair accessories, and makes dressing up as enchanting as Hollywood's favorite night! Can’t wait to watch the Oscars!